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Career Coaching Singapore

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Coaching Session

Were you retrenched recently and not sure what to do next or tired of your current work? Are you actively looking for a job? Career coaching is no longer a luxury but a necessity. You don’t have to be wealthy to receive career coaching in Singapore. Think of a career coach as your accountability partner who wants you to achieve your goals.

We will guide you to discover your interest, build confidence and generate feedback for improvement. If you want to be happy at work or planning for a career switch, we would like to invite you to sign up for our coaching session. Read some success stories below.

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Featured on BestinSingapore for Best Career Coaches in Singapore

Featured on MediaOne for Top Career Coaches in Singapore

Top in Singapore Award (150x150)

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Hear Some Successful Stories

I went through a 2 months, 5 session personal growth session with my career coach, Ben. This was during the period of the covid-19 lock down, where I was in the middle of a job switch. As we conversed, Ben looked into issues that I had struggled with and were causing problems in my relationships with people. He was patient in listening, and prompted essential questions at the right time. Like a skilled surgeon, he carefully separated important information from the non-important ones , and extracted key information, guiding me to question and to understand the motives behind my behaviors. Finally we worked on practical areas of improvement that I can start on. After each session, I feel pumped and ready to face life’s challenges again! Having a better understanding of myself has led me to feel less frustrated with the decisions that I make allowed myself lots of room for improvement!
Testimonial Christabel
I am deeply grateful to Ben for the coaching sessions over the past five weeks. Thanks to our sessions, I've gained a better understanding of myself, even though I recognize that I still need some time to fully integrate and process everything. What I especially value is Ben's non-judgmental attitude when listening, which fostered an environment where I felt safe and comfortable sharing. Thank you, Ben.
Ben is patient, non-judgmental and a great listener whom made me felt at ease to share openly. Through the DISC, I’ve learnt to understand different working styles better and how to apply them in work situations. The strengths profiler reminded me of forgotten strengths that I can utilise. Each session helped me discover or remind me of parts of myself all over again. If you are looking for a coach who is sincere in helping you understand your true innate self and characteristics which you can leverage on, Ben’s the one to go.
YY Lim
I had the honour to meet Ben for 5 incredible coaching sessions. Ben's patient and non-judgemental approach made the sharing sessions very comfortable. Over the course of these sessions, I am able to understand my strengths, weaknesses and motivations in life. With that, I was able to regain confidence in myself and my work abilities. Thank you Ben!!! Would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to understand themselves more or trying to do a career switch.
Anthony Ng
My fiancé and I are very pleased with the premarital course with our coach, Ben. We did feel nervous before the course commenced, yet it was surprisingly fun and exciting! Ben is very patient and friendly, and he makes us feel so comfortable that it feels as if we have known him for years. Throughout the course, apart from learning more things about each other, my fiancé and I have also discovered much about ourselves. Ben also touched on various topics that we may encounter in our marriage in future, hence it helps us to be more prepared for that and well-equipped with communication tools and mutual understanding we have obtained during this course. The course has indeed deepened our relationship and we do see positive changes in our behavior and communication with each other.
Testimonial Thea
Thank you Ben for an interesting session discovering my Strengths Profile. Found out that I had many realised strengths and unrealised strengths that I could use. Especially the unrealised strengths that I could use to help my business and also my team and clients.
Testimonial Pamela
I saw my confidence and determination strengthen throughout the process. Through this career program, I was able to move to find a clear direction with my work. Ben's role is not to give me a roadmap, but to help me survey my own landscape and then to shine a light on what path I most wanted to do in my career.
Ben has been a pleasure to work with and he provided a comprehensive and informative personality analysis. It was an interesting experience learning more about my DISC profile and was useful in providing some direction in my career development. Ultimately, in order to hone your strengths and excel in your career, being conscious of your profile traits and how they affect your behaviour in your workplace is a great advantage that will enable you to improve your performance and make decisions better suited for yourself as well.
Testimonial Angeline
Ben is a great coach, who listens well and knows how to approach delicate conversations with poise and gentleness. I enjoyed our sessions and learning more about myself - strengths, weaknesses, my motivations. Ben offered guidance that really empowered me to take the next steps in my career.
jocelyn testimonial
Ben has been of great help after I decided to leave my previous industry. Through the use of practical and concise exercises, as well as meaningful discussions, I have him to thank you for helping me find my path again. I would seek his counsel again should any career-related hurdles arise in the future. Would and have already recommended Him!
Ben is professional always patience in listening to his client. Good advice given which helps in personal growth and planning for career path. Thanks.
Had a great experience with Ben throughout the 3 sessions. Through these 3 sessions I have discovered my interests, strengths and values and I am now clearer on how to steer my career. Thank you Ben for the past 3 weeks.
Yuan Bin
The sessions with Ben are useful in clarifying and confirming my areas of strength, interests and opportunities. Ben is also proactive in helping me process any next steps idea for my career.
Ben is a very patient and friendly person. During my 3 sessions, I felt comfortable sharing and talking to him. As a result of the 3, knowing my interests and how to proceed with my career path, I was able to clear my mind. Thank you Ben for discovering my strengths, which I didn't even realize were actually "strengths" and my weaknesses as well.
Thank you Ben for patiently hearing me out and really make the effort and time to get to know me and how to help me better. At the end of the sessions, I have better understanding of my DISC and values which help me to make informed decision. He also provided me with suggestions of how I can move forward.
MY Yeo

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